Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Not your father's Cushman

Seen on, why does the Richland, SC sheriff's department need this? I suppose if there aren't any innocent bystanders within a mile downrange, then it's safe (for wildly inaccurate values of "safe"). I guess Sheriff Lott is finally gonna git them Duke boys.

1 comment:

ShaneMeeks said...

Skeet, duck hunting, demolition derby, towing 18-wheelers out of ditches, carpooling, foul weather driving, scaring the Hell out of kids on ATVs, mobile storage locker for confiscated meth, delivering subpoenas; the possibilities are endless. Really, Joe. I'm disappointed in you lack of imagination. Of course, I now plan to never get anywhere near Richland, SC without an RPG in my trunk, or maybe a potato for the tailpipe. Cheers,