Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Logos and flashbacks

So I'm doing my lunchtime web crawl and come across this (may not be safe for work): which reminds me of this (same warning applies)
which reminds me of the big brouhaha over Davidson's Sesquicentennial logo change involving a red bar with a white diamond under the V. We paid consultants with a five figure sum for that one, back in '88. That was when Harry Broome wrote a letter suggesting DC could have held a contest for the student body to choose a new logo. Well, while it may have been dumb to shell out that sort of money, at least we didn't get anything worth posting on the aforementioned sites.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Oh wow, those are great. Seems that people would do well to preview their logos before a class of middle school students before using them.