Tuesday, May 13, 2008

JoCo show

Cross-posted from my livejournal -- my write-up on the Jonathan Coulton show in Chicago, 5/3/08.

This was our ... fourth time(?) seeing JoCo with Paul and Storm, so we've pretty much got it memorized now. The previous shows were all at Schuba's though, while this one was that the Lakeshore Theater, which is a bigger venue -- about 350 capacity, and it was sold out. In fact, he mentioned on his blog that all 3 of his recent Midwest shows were sold out. Yay!

Stuff that was new and different:

(1) He rickrolled us! He did Mr. Fancy Pants using the Zendrum like at his December show, but this time he had "Never Gonna Give You Up" programmed into it, so in the middle of the song he essentially rickrolled the audience. I'm glad that joke's not dead yet, cause it still makes me lol.


(2) He performed "Flickr" live with a screen behind him projecting the original video (not the Spiff one, although that would've been cool too). Here is "Dwyer rockin' out on air guitar":

(3) They did "First of May" in the encore of course, as the show was on the 3rd of May. So yes, technically outdoor f*$%ing had started 2 days previously, but who's counting. They also did "Sweet Caroline" in the encore, which I gather has become a regular thing. Here's "First of May" from our show: (lyrics definitely NSFW)



DoctorB said...

Jonathan Coulton is fabulous. When we went to see Paul and Storm we were there to see the remaining members of DaVinci's Notebook, but Coulton stole the show.
Though I like P & S, especially their "Opening Band" song, I fee that they have lost something since Davinci's Notebook.
Coulton was a real surprise. He isnt much of a showman, but his dry humor was great fun.

Valerie said...

Yeah, I definitely prefer JoCo to Paul and Storm, but I look the fact tha P&S are there to do the backing vocals on several of JoCo's songs. I was never a huge DaVinci's Notebook fan although I did know a few of their songs.

In addition to the fan faves about zombies and megalomaniacs, I like the fact that Jonathan Coulton can write a serious, touching song ("You Ruined Everything", "A Talk with George") or he can write a touching song with ridiculous subject matter ("Womb with a View", "I Crush Everything")